About Course


Built on Trust: A 9 Step Roadmap for Attracting Your Ideal Physical Therapy Clients (in less than 6 hrs a month) Without Selling Your Soul is a comprehensive, video-based course designed to help physical therapy clinic owners grow their business in an ethical, trust-building way. This course goes beyond just theoretical knowledge; it provides hands-on, step-by-step guidance on practical marketing strategies. It's designed as a self-paced journey, making it perfect for therapists who want to avoid the uncomfortable hard-sell approach and prefer to invest more time in patient care.

Whether you're new to marketing or looking for effective ways to elevate your practice, this roadmap is tailored to transform your marketing efforts, attract your ideal clients, and increase your revenue — all without compromising your values.

The course kicks off with the first step: Selecting a specific and spot on audience. Students will understand the importance of narrowing down their audience to a specific niche. By focusing on a particular segment, students can tailor their services and marketing messages to resonate deeply with this group, enhancing their marketing efficiency and effectiveness.

Step two involves setting up an email nurture programme. Students will learn the importance of such a programme as a means to build trust and raise awareness about their services. Here, we debunk the myth that more emails mean more annoyance for clients. Instead, we show you how to use this platform as a relationship-building tool to warm up your leads.

In the third step, we focus on building an email audience. With a nurturing program in place, it's time to attract subscribers. We will explore strategies to expand your email list, considering it as your prime asset in digital marketing. It provides direct access to individuals who have already shown interest in your service, making them likely candidates for future appointments.

In the fourth step, we delve into the world of social media. Here, we discuss the role of various platforms not only for promoting your business but also as a tool to expand your email list. We delve into different strategies to optimize your presence on these platforms, considering each one's unique features and user demographics.

Step five underscores the importance of social proofing. In an era where online reviews are as trusted as personal recommendations, having positive testimonials can drastically enhance your credibility. We discuss how to curate and present social proofs effectively to optimize conversion rates, ensuring the maximum chance that prospects will choose your service over others.

Step six takes you through the role of website optimization, blog posts, and SEO. We know that when people are looking for physical therapy services, they start with a search engine. By ensuring your website is SEO-optimized and full of valuable content, you increase the chances of your practice appearing in these searches, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Step seven delves into the realm of outreach. This step is all about increasing your business's awareness by reaching out to potential clients both locally and online, creating valuable partnerships and collaborations. We discuss how to identify and engage with your target audience in the wider world, which can significantly enhance your brand's visibility and credibility.

In step eight, we encourage you to run local education and awareness events. These events not only provide an excellent opportunity for you to showcase your expertise and services but also allows you to engage directly with potential clients, turning leads into appointments.

The final step, step nine, introduces the concept of developing additional revenue streams. Here, we discuss how to build subscription-based memberships and community groups supporting your target audience or patient group. By diversifying your income, you can create a more stable and resilient business that doesn't rely solely on face-to-face appointments.

In between the lessons, quizzes help reinforce the learnings and gauge your understanding. Downloadable cheat sheets are also provided to help you apply the concepts directly to your practice.

Upon completing this course, you will have gained a comprehensive understanding of how to attract high-quality clients to your physical therapy business without relying on aggressive sales techniques. You will learn how to leverage trust-building and value-adding content across different formats and platforms, raising your brand's authority and credibility. Ultimately, you will be empowered to grow your business sustainably while keeping true to your profession's values and ethics.

This course is for clinic owners who

- Can't afford to wasting time or money doing (or paying other people to do) the wrong marketing activities

- Are worried about taking on new team members, or cost commitments without being sure you can generate enough clients to cover it

- Are tired of having to compete with other local therapists on pricing or free services

- Want to retire and have something worth selling

- Are confused or overwhelmed about their marketing

- Have plateaued and are struggling to reach the next level.

30 Days Money Back Guarantee
This course includes:
  • Full lifetime access

  • Downloadable resources

  • Access on mobile and TV

  • Certificate of completion

  • 4 hours on-demand video